Blue Eyed Grass – (Sisyrinchium idahoense)
A clumping, grassy like perennial, with dark green foliage, and abundant blue flowers in late sping and early summer. Grows 12″ tall and wide. Part to full sun.
Ornamental grasses are hardy perennials that provide texture and vertical elements into the landscape. Sizes vary from 6″ tall and wide to 12 ft tall and wide. Suitable to fit any landscape need, sun or shade.
Some Varieties Sell Out Quickly. All Grasses are Subject to Availability.
A clumping, grassy like perennial, with dark green foliage, and abundant blue flowers in late sping and early summer. Grows 12″ tall and wide. Part to full sun.
This unusual ornamental grass has dark green, very curly corkscrew-like stems. Excellent for planter combinations as a thriller. Grows 18-24″ tall and wide. Full sun.
A dwarf clumping Maiden grass, with narrow foliage. Summer flowers. Grows to 4 – 5′ tall and wide. Full sun.
This grass-like perennial forms a dense mound of glossy, black foliage. Ideal for use as a border front or patio edging. Produces sprays of tiny, mauve bell flowers changing to shiny, black berries in late summer. Grows 8 tall”. Full to part sun.
A dwarf grass, with excellent silvery-blue foliage. Grows to 10″ tall and wide. Does not like moist conditions, so provide good drainage. Full sun.
An upright, clumping grass, with green summer foliage, that changes to orange-reddish hues late in summer. Reddish-tinged flowers appear in summer, turning to silky white plumes in fall. Grows to 4 – 5 ft. tall. Full to part sun.
An upright grass with narrow leaves and feathery, fine-textured creamy flowers. Reaches 5′-6′ tall. Full to part sun.
A large ornamental grass with large, light green blades. Silvery white flowers in August and September reach to 12′ in height. Grows to 9′-12′ tall and wide. Full sun.
A striking grass with translucent, upright blades that are green at the base and wine red at the tip. Foliage becomes redder later in the season and is blood red by fall. Good copper winter color. Grows 18” tall and 12” wide. Full sun.
Bandwidth produces broad, bright gold bands across the rich green blades of this colorful and ornamental grass. Forms a full, compact stand. Grows 2-3 ft. tall. Full to part sun.
Also known as Striped Eulalia Grass this Maiden Grass has clean green and white striped foliage. Flowers in August and September. Grows 4′-6′ tall. Full to part sun.
A perennial grass with creamy yellow blades and green margins. Also features coffee-colored flowers in spring. Semi-evergreen. Grows 12”-18” tall and 12”-16” wide. Prefers part to full shade.
A showy, fine textured Sedge grass, producing cascading yellow foliage. Adds color to the shade garden. Can tolerate wet conditions. Grows to around 18″ tall. Full to part shade.
An excellent dwarf grass with narrow foliage and wonderful, cattail-shaped flowers in late summer. Grows to 24-30″ tall and wide. Full to Part Sun.
A compact perennial grass producing 1/2” wide dark green leaves with creamy-white edges. Grows to 12”-18″ tall and wide. Full to part sun.
A grass with showy, feather plumes with striking wheat-colored seed heads. Reaches 5′ tall. Full to part sun.
An excellent, petite dwarf Maiden grass forming a mound narrow, green foliage topped with plumes in late summer and fall. Grows to 2-3 ft. tall and wide. Full to part sun.
A true compact form of Porcupine Maiden Grass, Little Zebra has green foliage with horizontal gold bands along the blades. Grows to 3-4 ft. tall. Full to part sun.
This clumping, North American native grass is treasured for its showy, drooping seed heads and rich, bamboo-like foliage. Seed heads are very attractive throughout its various stages of maturity. Grows 3′ – 4′. Full sun to Full shade.
A clumping evergreen perennial grass with golden yellow-striped foliage. Makes a great groundcover or container plant. Grows 10 – 12” tall. Sun or Shade.
An award winning Maiden Grass, Red Cloud produces lots of bright red flower plumes in late summer over arching, narrow green blades. A compact form, growing to only 40″ tall. Full to part sun.
The blades on this Maiden grass have distinctive creamy-white and green longitudinal variegation. Grows to 3-5 ft. tall. Full to part sun.
A tufted evergreen grass. White and green variegated foliage is excellent for containers and borders. Great for pondside plantings. Grows 6”-12” tall and 12” wide. Sun or shade.
An ornamental grass with green foliage, and colorful, horizontal, yellow bands. Flowers in September. Grows in a graceful, arching habit to 8′ tall and wide. Full to part sun.
This clumping Liriope variety has narrow, solid green foliage and lavender summer flowers. Grows to 12-15″ tall and wide. Shade to full sun.
This vigorous, spreading Liriope variety has narrow, green grass-like foliage and lavender summer flowers. Grows to 12”-15” tall and can spread several feet over just a few seasons. It does not stay in a clump like Big Blue. Shade to full sun.
This clumping Liriope variety has narrow, green foliage with creamy-white margins and lavender summer flowers. Grows to 12”-15” tall and wide. Shade to full sun.
A variegated Little Bluestem, featuring green and cream foliage turning blush pink by fall. Silver-white seed stalks in late summer and fall, rise above the foliage. Grows to 15-18″ tall and wide. Full to part sun.
This elegant North American prairie native has thin leaves and open panicles held high above the foliage on delicate stems. Outstanding autumn color. Heat and drought tolerant. Grows 2-3 ft. tall and wide. Full to part sun.
This native perennial is a bunchy or sod-forming grass producing erect, wiry clumps. Purplish, oat-like spikelets line one side of the stem, turning tan in the fall. Grows to 2-2 1/2 ft. tall. Full to part sun.